We’d love to have you join us! Let us tell you what’s expected of you as a member of our Rotary Club of New Jersey…
Member Requirements:
All Rotary Club of New Jersey members are required to do the following to remain in “good standing” in the club:
1. Pay dues on time.
2. Follow the Rotary Club of New Jersey and Rotary International pages.
3. Have an email account and respond regularly to club emails.
4. Participate in online member meetings at least once a month.
Member Expectations:
All Rotary Club of New Jersey members are expected to do the following to remain in “good standing” in the club:
1. Participate in our club’s fundraising efforts.
2. Attend at least 2 other Rotary Club meetings annually.
3. Participate in District-wide initiatives.
5. Be active on at least one social media platform (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc).
Financial Obligation:
Our Rotary Club of New Jersey dues are $52 per quarter or $208 per year.
These dues cover mandatory Rotary International and District dues as well as those spent toward various administrative expenses.
Technology Requirements:
As an eClub, our meetings are conducted online. To be an active participant in our club, you must have access to the Internet.

Scan the QR-Code for the Club Member Application or click here to download
Please email us for more information: ad***@ne*************.org